Tests of academic potential (TPA), which was introduced in the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) 2009 requires natural ability of participants.

TPA can be trained, but difficult to memorize. This test is very good to measure the academic ability of prospective students.

"This landfill measure the ability to communicate and reason prospective students. TPA can not be taught tutoring. If you want to teach, the same should educate for life, "said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Adang Surahman Bandung Institute of Technology, on Tuesday (30 / 6).

According Adang, the landfill is one of progress in the implementation of the exam SNMPTN 2009, in addition to the mechanism of weighting different values.

"Weighting value requires the ability of participants SNMPTN holistic," he said. He believes the new test model is capable of producing quality students.

"Students (in ITB) is often dropped out because of weakness in one lesson. In fact, as long as it need not be too smart not stupid in one lesson, students can survive, "he said. Level drop out at the ITB is currently about 1.6 percent per year from the number of students per class.

Change SNMPTN test model has forced a number of high schools adjust curriculum learning. According to Deputy Head of Academic SMAN 3 Bandung Firman Noor, starting next year it will develop curriculum in which participated introduce TPA.

"The plan for students in grade XII. Indeed, TPA can not be manipulated, in-drill, or memorized, but we will try to review them to introduce to the students, "he said. In this school, students in PTN keterserapan best be one indicator of success.

Anticipation fraud
In Yogyakarta, as many as 15,338 participants will take the exam SNMPTN 2009, which begins on Wednesday. The committee also has set up a security system in anticipation of fraud, especially those using the tools of electronic communication.

The number of participants was increased by about 20 percent than last year, about 13,000 people. The greatest number found on the interests of Social Science (IPS) with the number of 7153 people, followed by the Department of Natural Sciences (IPA) as many as 5907 people, and the last on Mixture Sciences (IPC) 2278 people.

Budi Prasetyo Widyobrato, Chairman of the Local Committee SNMPTN 2009 Yogyakarta, said, the matter SNMPTN currently stored with the guard at the University of Gadjah Mada University and State University of Yogyakarta. Number of questions received DI Yogyakarta equal to the amount sold plus the matter of form as much as 5 percent reserve.

According to Budi, the security system has been prepared to anticipate fraud and perjokian practices in the implementation of a written exam lasting 1 to 2 July. Vigilance is particularly aimed at fraud or perjokian practices that use electronic communication tools are expected to increasingly sophisticated.

Increased vigilance, according to findings perjokian practice with mobile phones and hearing aids without a cable in an entrance examination one private university in Yogyakarta. In addition, the committee also implement standard supervision, one supervisor overseeing 10 participants.

SNMPTN 2009 written examination will be followed by a test of skill sport and art that lasted 3 to 4 July.

Coordinator of the Executive Committee SNMPTN 2009 in UNY Moch Slamet said the 8745 participants have registered to take exams sport and art skills.

"Examination of the practice exams and type depending on the chosen course of study. Fine art, for example, drawing test, while the Art Music exams singing and playing musical instruments, "he said.


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